
A tale of tolerance and acceptance in a divided nation

Daniel Lester Chestnut

I was born in St. Louis, MO, in a traditional American family in the greatest nation on earth.

I am pro-religion, Pro Country, Pro-life, Pro-Freedom, Pro Guns, and pro-Trump. And I am against illegal immigration and the killing of human lives that cannot defend themselves. To say the least, I am sad to witness the decline of freedom of speech and respect for each other in our country. It’s tragic to see how a bunch of politicians are destroying our society.

I have lived long enough to compare the leaderships of the 70s and 80s to what came after those decades. Cowboy & Indian is absolutely true about one big fact: there cannot be any conflict if at least one party shows care and maturity. And it’s not too hard to do.

Hatred begets hatred, and this cycle can be broken only by tolerance and acceptance. Cowboy & Indian will appeal to goodness in us without boring us.

Leo Prashant Shelley

I was born in Secunderabad, TS, India, which is also one of the greatest nations on earth. I am grateful to the people and institutions of India, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, the UK, and the US, who influenced my philosophy.

The friendship that Dan and I share is a remarkable juxtaposition of ideologies, for on the surface, we appear to be polar opposites as our belief systems often diverge. Yet, we find common values that have made our friendship resilient.

I learned a lot in this friendship. Especially about the US in the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s, something one can see in video narratives or read in books, but the way Dan describes it is unique. Most importantly, I learned that acceptance and tolerance are very rewarding. Dan is the most loyal and reliable friend; I am lucky.

Cowboy & Indian is a collaborative effort of friends and like-minded professionals. Our aim is to offer a perspective on the beauty of unity in diversity

Friendship Story

Daniel and I accidentally met in 2010 at an expat gathering in Kyiv, Ukraine. We became casual friends and helped each other as expats usually do.

Daniel returned to the U.S. in 2012, but we stayed in touch.

In 2014, my pharmaceutical business took a hit during Ukraine’s political and economic turmoil. In 2015, I decided to start a new chapter of life in the U.S., and Daniel and I reconnected.

As the U.S. grew more divided, our friendship strengthened, grounded in common values of friendship.

In 2019, disappointed by the polarization in the US society, I wrote a story about our friendship and named it “Cowboy & Indian.” To dramatize it, I enlisted the help of several writers. They were all very skilled at their craft. But we couldn’t afford to make a film as rich as their imagination.

So in August 2023, I wrote a new script from scratch that we should be able to turn into a film soon.

We hope “Cowboy & Indian” entertains and encourages tolerance.


Leo Prashant Shelley

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